A big fucking liar who has no consideration for other's sentiments but also one of the realest, kindest, and honest mfs. They're a mess of contradictions, which makes them one of the most interesting people you'll ever come by.
Bro 1: Bro I hate cheaters
Bro 2: but you cheated on your girl
Bro 1: I love cheaters
Bro 2: lmao ur such a rupakeshwar
Bro 2: but you cheated on your girl
Bro 1: I love cheaters
Bro 2: lmao ur such a rupakeshwar
A big fucking liar who has no consideration for other's feelings, but also very real, kind, honest, and one of the best mfs you'll meet
Look at that kid trying to choose between the James Charles pallet and his fucking lunch. Oh look he bought the pallet. What a rupakeshwar