

俚语 rupkatha


Rupkatha is a majestic, adorable and attractive specimen of the world. She is known to be very courageous and dignified. You should be honoured to have a Rupkatha in your life.
Omg, I can't believe I have found a majestic Rupkatha in the woods. I saved her from a BABOON


Rupkatha is someone whom everyone needs in their lives!. Rupkatha is a kind girl whom everyone will meet but some will understand the value she possesses. The sweet,cute and charming nature cannot always be cornered by some people...everyone needs to find their rupkathas in their lives. Rupkathas can be anywhere but the one i have is a "fairy-tale".
Hey, how's rupkatha? .
Did you read the book on rupkatha?


Is a phrase in ancient Sanscrit where monks used it to say sexual things, where rupkatha stood for "eat my ass"
Damn her ass so fine I would rupkatha


a very kinky lesbian vampire, pain kink, choke kink, shoves u against a wall, denies her homoness an her hoeness, teeth kink, high, visibly violent, in love w dead guys and her bsfs, makes out w them 24/7
sara: *makes out w everyone and tastes their teeth*
anaya: "oh my god she's such a rupkatha!"




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