

俚语 ruppies


synonomous for tight, amazing, awesome, fabulous, fantastic, uber cool, 1337

also can mean hot, goodlooking, fine, beautiful
Omg, you are sooo ruppy, I wish I was as ruppy as you
wow, that girl is so ruppy.


without sense; of no real importance. also can be used in context with the mentally handicapped.
The poor ruppy child just sat there permisively, drueling all over herself, unaware that all could see.


A portmanteau of yuppie + remote worker

A young person often of the millennial or gen z generation who has a high income with little expenses.

The people will remotely work nice tourist areas of the USA like asheville, austin, or denver. They do not or have often have put of having children/families so they have disposable income to blow on luxury goods.
Person 1: Why are all these people suddenly moving to austin? How can they even afford it?
Person 2: It's just a bunch of ruppies. They put off having families so they could take out huge loans on BMWs and McMansions and live in expense...
Person 1: So they're just glorified yuppies?
Person 2: Yep pretty much.


A portmanteau of remote worker + yuppie:

A younger individual, most likely of the millennial or gen z generation who works remotely at a high income job or career remotely that has a high income and has disposable money to spend on luxury goods like gucci or prada. Often with no kids or family and will blow all of their income on impressing their coworkers with a luxury lifestyle.
Person 1: Why are there a bunch of ruppies in Asheville?
Person 2: Well... They have no kids and expenses so they are spending their income on living in beautiful scenery and expensive clothes!
Person 1: These assholes are gentrifying our weirdness!


Retiring Urban Professionals, 50-65, representing the leading edge consumers and influencers of the 70 million Baby Boomer demographic cohort in the United States.
As YUPPIES in the 1980s, they bought condos, drove BMWs, and drank Perrier. Now, as RUPPIES, they have seen the value of their McMansions and portfolios slashed, but continue to buy more luxury cars, high end entertainment products, and adventure travel than any other group in the United States.


A redneck yuppie.
"I work with this dumbass ruppie. She shops at Wal-Mart, but she tries to pass off her clothes as Saks Fifth Avenue."

Ruppy Love

What you Get when Adam Berkowitz and Lauren Molieri meet.
Me and LCM like to eat ruppy chow and make ruppy love




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:55:05