

俚语 russle


In Texas, commonly used with the word "up" to mean gather together.
The cook is going to russle up some grub ( food ) for us.


When a peice of IT Specifc computer equipement fails, dosnt work properly, or not set up properly.
Shit dude, looks like the servers been proper russled.

Some twats russeld the box. We need to go to DR.

Who the f*ck set this server up? It was a right russel job.

Rusty or russle

A common name and nickname used for dumb kids

Often jocks who play stupid sports have this name
A lot of guys who think they're hot fucking shit possess this name as well
Have you seen that guy he looks like a rusty or russle

Buck Russle

(adj) The act or state of being: overtly rowdy, rambunctious, or generally awesome.
Person #1: "Hey man, this party's really good!"

Person #2: "Yeah bro, it's about to get Buck Russle up in here!"

owen russle

usually very good looking, interested in music and plays guitar, would make a very good music teacher(but he would have to learn to ignore severe cases of flirtatious behaviour from the female students) the name is of a welsh background so try to avoid any racist jokes about sheep towards him, but an all round great guy.
guy 1:hey look at that musiscian
girl 1: yeah hes a real owen russle

Russle my Jimmies

To "russle" someone's "jimmies". Another definition would be to give someone a boner and/or erection. Further symptoms may be orgasms and feeling horny. Only effects males.
Wow, that guy really can Russle my Jimmies.


he is a GOAT from totally studios
Russle got kicked off a plane for fartin




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