

俚语 rutbombing


Shamefaced continual thread hi-jacking on an internet forum, usually characterised by grandiose boasts made on a scale that would have made Pinocchio himself blush.

Rutbombing is ultimately defined by these claims being, often instantly and with embarrassing ease, refuted by skeptical fellow forum members

"You are learning to play the guitar? Well check-out this youtube clip of me playing Beethoven's concerto number 5"

"Oh rly? Well in that case, would you mind please explaining why the pianist featured in that clip is clearly of African origin and you are as white as a f**king sheet? Enough of the incessant Rutbombing, you lying little fink!"


To Rutbomb, the act of Rutbombing.

To enter an internet forums and create a persona based on completely unbelievable lies, often surrounding ones sexual prowess and wealth.

A shameful attempt at gaining attention be it positive or negative
"Did Mark tell you about that chick he pulled last night, said she was stunning!?"

"I wouldnt believe him to be honest, i reckon he's Rutbombing "


A Rutbomb is a peculiar genus of internet troll which tends to inhabit venues such as soccer forums and youtube.

The Rutbomb differs from the common forum troll, insofar that the rutbomb is not, ostensibly, a malevolent character. Instead, the Rutbomb gets its rocks off by making outlandish claims - these can refer to the Rutbomb's manly prowess, or conversely, be attempts to garner sympathy by pretending to be stricken with serious health problems.

Forum members who are accustomed to the Rutbomb's behaviour will be immediately skeptical of its claims and often issue stern but effective rebuttals. Being exposed as a fraud does not perturb the Rutbomb, since its gratification is achieved via receiving attention, regardless of whether this is positive or negative.

When challenged with the truth, the Rutbomb will often become indignant, complaining of persecution and vendettas.
"Oh ya, I was *so drunk* and banged my head on Monday and nearly died of an aneurysm. I've been in hospital all week, even underwent emergency brain surgery - but I'm fine now"

"O Rly? Then why were you seen online playing MW2 during that time? Crawl back under the stone from whence you came, you lying little Rutbomb"

"Gah! You guys all have it in for me! I wish I was dead!"





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