

俚语 ruthing


Ruthing:V: useless iritating!!; unnecessary interuptions without apology. insincere, over abundance of compliments to gain poitive social acceptance of colleagues. office affiliated onlyl; COMPLETE lack of social skills and ablities and comprehention. holds a masters degree with no known ablity to write or comprehend any simple or advanced theory in buisness managment. running up and down the damn hall way. attending to matters not of your buisness.over exageration of talent!! overly confident,grandiose recognition of self in comparison in to colleagues. posessing the exemplary skill in one naroww critical job responsibility. A BOLD FACE LIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and closest to "chicken little syndrome" that exsists in the human race.
Ruthing;standing in the door way talking for 10 min about nothing


Ruth is a very pretty girl, with the shiniest and prettiest brown eyes. She has a warm heart, and is very caring. She could light up the whole room with her presence around, especially with her humor. She can be the kindest person you have ever meet, she's very loving and the best person to go to for a shoulder to cry on. She will put her loved ones first, and her friends second. She is honest and loyal. And has the prettiest smile.
Girl: Is that the girl everyone's been talking about??
Guy: Sure is. That's Ruth


Ruth is a funny, cool, awesome, artistic, talented girl with a great personality. She loves to talk to her friends, and loves absolutely everyone. Ruth is never afraid to speak her opinion and will do anything for her friends. She enjoys company. She is also a sweetheart.
Person 1: HIHI RUTH
Ruth: Hello ;^^


If you have a Ruth in your life then hold on to her. She has a sparkling ✨ personality and her heart 💓 is filled with everlasting kindness and love ❣ When you’re sad 😔 she always is there to cheer you up and make you laugh 😂. Even if it is midnight she will be there. 💕. She has and glorious smile and glistening eyes.
Kid 1: I want a mom called Ruth
Kid 2: Why?
Kid 1: Beacause who ever is called Ruth is beautiful!


A beautiful girl. The friend everyone tells their secrets to. Would stand by her friends no matter what. Has beautiful brown eyes and stunning long shiny brown hair. Usually very good at sports. Perfects anything she tries. Boys usually love her and she flirts a lot.Gets straight A’s in school. Very popular
Wow I wish I was as pretty as Ruth 😕
Woah Ruth is amazing at sports


A very beautiful girl with an amazing personality. When she falls in love, she loves with her whole heart. She’s honest, caring, loyal, patient, kind, sweet, romantic, outgoing, smart, funny, talented and adventurous. She’s not afraid to fight for what she believes in and that’s just one of her many good qualities.
I’m in love with Ruth. She’s perfect.


Ruth is a sometimes bossy sometimes sassy girl. She is very kind at heart and will stick with her friends through thick and thin. Ruth always puts her family before friends. She enjoys spending time with her friends and having sleepovers. She is also the teacher's pet. She is a very good student and she loves animals.
Ruth is my best friend!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:53:20