Ruxstafarian is the belief in rux a multi universe alien that comes down from a different universe to enhance the humans of earth, he is hidden and never obvious ( unless someone as in creator gets seen ) but once he is discovered and seen in the world he vanished and never comes back, he goes to another universe to praise the wonders of the world.
Ruxstafarian is an alien but never seen.
Ruxstafarianism is the belief in rux a multi universe alien, he should never be seen or caught in the making, if so he will vanish and never to be seen again, if you are a follower of ruxstafarianism then your life wishes will come true. He is always lurking in the shadows nobody sees, don’t get caught up with him, he is to never be seen in the eye of a human as he is an alien and doesn’t exist to human kind.
Ruxstafarianism is a religion of an alien you cannot see and never will, if he is lurking and you happen to see the making of him he will vanish forever