

俚语 ry ry


A pet name derived from the proper name Ryan. Usually reserved for use by Mothers, Girlfriends, and Guys who use a false high pitch voice and pretend to be either a) A Ryan's Mom b) A Ryan's girlfriend c) A woman with a high pitched annoying voice who is tormenting A Ryan to do something that is testing his manhood
Most Ryan's would prefer that the term RyRy was never used, those Ryan's that disagree usually have emotional disorders, or worse, acne
Girlfriend: I have a great idea! Lets paint my toenails!
Ryan: NO!
Girlfriend: Pleeeeeeaaaasssseeeee?
Ryan: NO!
Girlfriend: Pleaaasssseeeee RyRy?
RyRy: OK.....(balls now gone)


This boy tends to be super sexy in his own cute way! He can make you laugh without even trying. Hes super sweet, and loving. This name gives him the trait that beats everyone elses charm. He has the trait of being amazingly perfectttttt<3


Ryry is one of those cute boys who laugh about stuff and joke around, but really he’s just depressed
Person 1: Hey, have you seen Ryry around?
Person 2: Not really, I heard he’s depressed.


Combination of first name, Ryan, middle name, Marie. In other words, a super-fly person.
I'm going to call Ryrie today.


He is a demon that will eliminate you from the face of this earth. His shitty mate wei yee makes horrible toilet jokes abt his gay wiener and he plans to steal wei yees girl friend bcuz he’s shit and doesn’t deserve her Ern xin though is his main target cos she’s nice yay. Other accomplices include Die”hole”na, nami, shawn, dicklaash, Calbee, poopchet,
Ryry is like better than the donkey wei yee , wei yee compares puberty results what a (censored)


a dickhead who kicks men in the balls
Leo pulled a ryry on Jack. Now Jack can't have kids.


he is stupid and ugly and fat plain and simple
wow ryan how did u get so ugly




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:01:49