

俚语 saanvi


Saanvi is the most hilarious person you will meet. She will always make you laugh. She believes in her friends and is very trusting. She loves music and will play it at 100% volume. Saanvi is always dancing and will encourage you to dance with her. She is smart even though she doesn't think it, but she will never hesitate to ask you for help. Saanvi is very outgoing. She talks to anyone and everyone and is kindhearted and hilarious. Saanvi cares about those closest to her and would do anything for her family and friends. Saanvi is an amazing singer even though she thinks she isn't. If she trusts you, she will tell you anything. She is really forgiving and is a great friend. You know you could trust her to always have your back. She never insults you and tries her best. She is really smart and will help you without a second thought.
Saanvi is the best friend you could ever have.


Saanvi is really kind and patient. She is really forgiving and is a great friend. You know you could trust her to always have your back. She never insults you and tries her best. She is really smart, and will help you without a second thought.
Saanvi is the best friend you could ever have.


She's funny, smart and the ideal type of friend to have. She's responsible and really down to earth. She will never accept she's intelligent but is truly an intellectual.
You're so smart. You remind me of Saanvi.


Saanvi is a usually a sweet Indian girl who you can trust to be best friends with if you know a Saanvi you are lucky because she is very smart and can help you with school, she is usually a badass on her phone at class taking Snapchats and roasting people but deep down she is a lovable person

If you know a Saanvi NEVER let her go!
Saanvi is a person


Saanvi is a very normal person, but once you get to meet her, she is... She roasts everyone in her path and will fight anyone for no reason. She is actually pretty cool unless she’s mad at you. she will always get her way. Also note Saanvi is very desi
“Woah! Did you see Saanvi roast that kid?”


Saanvi is typically the name of an Indian girl. She is sweet like candy and so patient, shes also a true friend.

You can trust her and she won't tell anyone, if someone shit talks about her best friend she will fight back.

She loves drawing,dancing,singing and she is so talented like WHATTTTTTT. She doesn't like Ariana Grande because

Omg theres Saanvi


She’s a badass bitch.

She will roast anyone she hates.

Nice to people she’s close with.

Hella hot.

Popular and witty.
Most likely to have the most followers.

Kind at the start but has the best death stare.
If you know her well it’s a blessing.
Music choice is just muah
damn did you see Saanvi’s new car.
i have a crush on a saanvi.
she saanvi




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更新时间:2024/9/20 2:57:11