

俚语 sacré


Any noun that is considered "poor" or "ghetto" in any way.
The word is used as noun, or an adjective.
It's a very powerful word. It's like saying the "N" word to an African American, but Sacré is said to a person or noun that is poor.
Person 1"That's one ugly pile of Sacré!"
Person 2 "You mean my house?"

"Your Sacré bed is made of dog shit?"

sacré bleu

A stereotypical french curse that is actually never used by real french people. Same as the mustache and the beret - something only non-french people think is typical of the French.
Non-French Guy trying to be French: Sacré bleu! I hev left my béret and stripy chemise in zee Café.
Real French Guy: *rolls eyes*

sacré bleu

(sah-cray bleuh) A very stereotypical (*cough* blame Americans) French curse, which is actually never used by the French. An English equivalent would be "oh my God!." Similarly to its English counterpart, it was once considered very offensive. "Sacré bleu" literally means "sacred blue," but it is supposed to be "sacré Dieu" (sah-cray dyeuh) or "sacred God." "Bleu" replaces "Dieu" in order to avoid the vulgarity of explicitly using the name of God (similar to saying "oh my gosh!" instead of "oh my God!"). In modern times, however, it is no longer commonly used, as it has been eclipsed by many more offensive curses.
Sacré bleu is very American and lame. Try using merde istead. (:

sacré bleu

A French curse. It translates to "sacred blue", referring to the Catholic Church.
French Girl: Sacré bleu! I'm out of smokes.
Friend: No worries, there's a store around the corner.




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