

俚语 sad-on


1. noun. A state of such extreme sadness that all of one's blood rushes to one's nether-regions.

2. noun. A feeling of sadness paired with arousal.

3. noun. The feeling of regret one experiences after a bad hook-up, combined with a lingering boner or lady-boner.
"Dude, are you crying while also masturbating??"

"Don't judge, I have such a raging sad-on right now."

Sad but not sad

When your depressed but you don't want people to know.
Person1 *Listens to sad music at night when no one is there*
Person1 *is a social butterfly when with people*
Person1 I'm sad but not sad

Sad sad

When something is just extra sad
Man Gary’s going extinct that’s sad sad


Me probably
It’s me, I’m sad

..this is a cry for help


Sad backwards is das and das how it be sometimes
Person 1: what’s wrong hoe
Person 2: I’m sad b


This word can be used in place where "RIP" is typically used. Used to express your disappointment or sadness towards what someone is saying to you in one word.
Ex. 1:
"Hey, I have to cancel tonight's plans. I'm really sorry, we can go out another time?"

Ex. 2:
"Are there any cookies left?"
"No, I ate them all."

Ex. 3:
"What did you end up getting on that essay?"
"That's too bad"
"Yeah. Sad."


When your heart feels like it is having a panic attack while simultaneously being stabbed with a knife. Typically your eyes will either start releasing the pain through tears or the pain will just build up inside your body until you have to scream really loud in order to relieve yourself of the emotional burden. You will most likely want to hug the person that made you feel this horrible feeling, but, unfortunately, you are alone and sad and scared and have to deal with the pain by yourself.
The sadness I feel right now is sucking down my heart like a vacuum and making it unbearable to be alive.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:46:13