

俚语 sad story

Sad Story

*Can only be countered by 'Nuetral Story, ODST'*

Used when someone wants to be extra annoying. After everything someone say about their day, you chime in with a "Sad Story" to convey your true feelings. "Sad Story, Friend" can be used when you and another are being annoying together and irritating the world around you.
Friend #2: ...but I couldn't go poop. And I tried so hard.

Friend #1: Aw, that's a Sad Story, Friend.

Friend #2: Isn't it, Friend? Sad Story!!

Innocent Bystander: Geh *dead*

Sad Story

Noun: 1. Someone who is around to limit the amount of insults that occur between group members, because that person is the one whom all jokes and insults are aimed at.
2. An anticlimatic or uninteresting story.
3. One who tells sad stories.
4. One who is grimace in appearance and always seems to be constantly high, and seems to have a genetic defect such as down syndrome, obesity or necrophilia.
5. A person who enjoys the company of large black women.
"O no its Sad Story Scott! Quick pretend we're not here."

Roblox Sad Story

A Game on Roblox where it makes a terrible attempt at making you like a certain character before making that character immediately in WWII. I don't know why but they always die in a war related accident..... or at least the ones I saw.
The character always has a wife and sometimes a child, normally an infant. Then their wife becomes sad and the story ends with the infant smiling over his/her fathers grave.
"Dude I just watched some cringey Roblox Sad Story!"
"Arn't all of those like terrible?"
"Yep. Pretty sure they're made by five year olds."

sad story roblox soldier part 2

wi can have today wi has win
now wi rip is sad now wi can have day
wi has win wi can have now
good is love end frind
wi can has can
you are soldier
you must wiiiiinnnnnn
win win

just rip
Friend: Hey man have you seen sad story roblox soldier part 2?
Random guy: No i'm not a weeb

OpposingFork's Sad Story But Real This Time

OpposingFork's Sad Story But Real This Time, Ok so opposingfork is sad that he is syrian and wants to escape syria, he know syira bad he want to go outside of syria, so he escape syria and go thru pacific ocean thru shark and fish and visit america then he becomes a doctor who scams pacients and gets rich then buys syrian children free slaves. Fork needs to accept his syrianity and unban dako!
OpposingFork's Sad Story But Real This Time

OpposingFork's Sad Story

OpposingFork's Sad Story, we always ask when is the next opposingfork's ___ urban, but we never ask how is OpposingFork's ____ urban 😕. well fork....... wel forky...😨😭😭😭😭😭😭 foky😭 fok🥺fk😨frk😥f😭😭😭😭😭😭
OpposingFork's Sad Story is so sad, it tells opposingforks urban stopries sad in detail

sad story told twice

Sad story told twice is a reference to having a similar background or upbringing as another person. You've heard it before. Father walked out because of drugs, ect.
She was a sad story told twice.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:25:14