

俚语 sad whore

sad whore

1.A person who does/says something pethetic/pointless/odd/random

2. Someone who has no life what so ever and does pointless/random things.
1.Wow Eric, you're a sad whore, because you made that pointless, random video

2.Look at that sad whore sitting all alone on a wall.

sad whore

1. A prostitute who is depressed cause her pimp left her.
2. A trendy fag emo kid.
Look at that faggot! Oh, false alarm. Is just an emo kid. What a pitiful sad whore.

sad whore syndrome

state in which you don’t give a fuck about anything and you are sad but you can’t cry because you can’t feel anymore. state which you can’t talk about with your parents because they will COME at you. state in which you are sad but you can’t feel anything and you can’t understand yourself and you hate everybody. you don’t want anyone to know what you are feeling. often said as SWS
You: “HEY”

Me: “hello. don’t talk to me i have sad whore syndrome leave me alone, bye




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:42:43