

俚语 safe sex

safe sex

Moving the bed two feet from the wall so your girl doesn't get a concussion.
EMS: "Sir how did this happen?"
Me: "We were fuckin' and then i had a back spasm and she hit her head from the thrust."
EMS: "Sir, practice safe sex next time and move the bed away from the wall."

safe sex

Using a condom or pill during sex so a baby is not conceived, an STD is not transmitted. However, it is kind of an oxymoron:
Donald discovered that safe sex is not really safe after his girlfriend, Katherine, choked on his condom and died.

safe sex

1. Using a false name.
2. Using a false phone number.
3. Not coming back to your own place.
That lunch lady I met at the 7-11 wants to introduce me to her kids. Fortunately, I was practicing safe sex.

safe sex

The act of not having unprotected sex.
This song demonstrates the idea of safe sex. "The safest way to have sex is right between the titties." Tha Alkaholiks "the next level"

safe sex

1) An oxymoron.
2) A term for a condom.
"Dude, I need some safe sex with some girl."
"You know the SAFE part isn't going to happen, right?"

safe sex

Something most people don't understand.
It's called a condom.
My whores and I practise safe sex. I don't wanna get second-hand shpongle on me.

safe sex

The most used oxymoron I have ever heard.
Safe sex, safe ciggarett, we got it all.




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