When the the safety belt of a woman's car sits between her titties, pressing her shirt up against her breasts making them visually scrumptious.
OMG Stuart look at those safetitties.
Oh MY Mell, thanks goodness for safety conscious ladies and cold breezes.
Oh MY Mell, thanks goodness for safety conscious ladies and cold breezes.
The titties of a transgender who decided to go with implants instead of hormone grown, thereby eliminating the risk of breast cancer, making them safetitties.
Future transgender: I know I want to be a woman, I just don't know how I'll be able to deal with the anxiety brought on by the ever present and constant terror of breast cancer looming over me!
Friend of future transgender: Why don't you just get safetitties then?
Friend of future transgender: Why don't you just get safetitties then?