

俚语 safe travel(s)

safe travel(s)

Safe travel(s) - is a polite way of wishing someone a safe journey. Safe Travel is also used as a way to express your wish for someone to have good fortune during a trip, wherever they may be headed. Bad traveling accommodation can be an attributing factor to someone having an awful trip or vacation... So, safe travel is just a way of expressing that you hope someone’s journey goes well.
1. Personally...I like safe travel(s); it encompasses all method of travel and covers all locations that may be traversed.

2. Thank you for your quick reply.

Safe Travels,
John Doe

safe travel(s)

Something one would say to another as they or both of them are about to get really high.
Person A "Hey happy 4/20 man, safe travel(s)"
Person B "Yooo you too dude, shits wild"




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