Best Day Of Your Life. Used when someone you know, or are around, has an extremely fortunate event happen. Pronounced "buh-doy-ul." Similar to BDOML "buh-dom-ul," which is used when you are the lucky duck.
Your friend finds $20 on the curb of a street and you exclaim, "BDOYL!!!"
Usually hails from the state of Kentucky, specifically Lexington or Louisville. Most wild Bdoyles use a special gel to spike their hair up, for this is how they attract a mate. The higher the spike, the more likely the Bdoyle will find his mate. Most Bdoyles have a great love for sports, but are never loyal to one team. While you may want to pet a wild Bdoyle, if they are not house trained, they can be hostile. use caution when approaching one on the street, for you never know when they might strike. Bdoyles have a very limited diet, and will not eat anything that does not conform to this diet. Bdoyles would rather starve than eat any food that is not familiar to him. Bdoyles like to pass the time by playing video games, watching jeopardy, or dancing. The secret skill of a wild of Bdoyle is his dancing capabilities. Never challenge one to a dance off, or you will surely be sorry. Lastly, never allow your girlfriend or significant other to come into contact with a Bdoyle. Whether in captivity or in the wild, a Bdoyle can never restrain themselves from instantly woo'ing any female they come in contact with. If you find a stray Bdoyle, please call the hotline @ 1-800-BDOINKS
Jess: That Bdoyle is so cute, I just wanna pet him.
Andrew: Please ask before you pet my Bdoyle.
Jess: I'm sorry, he's just so cute!
Bdoyle: Meow. purrrrrrr
Andrew: Please ask before you pet my Bdoyle.
Jess: I'm sorry, he's just so cute!
Bdoyle: Meow. purrrrrrr