A pussy that has a distinct odor typically present prior to a heavy menstrual cycle. Likely had a taste of a handrail or a roll on pennies. Likely an acute state of a pussy, but is found in less common cases to be chronic. Derived from the terms “salmon” and “pussy”.
“Yo, who the fuck ate some kinda tuna salad or fish in the break room??”
“Nah man, that’s not lunch, that’s the secretary’s salmiepuss on the bosses lips”
“Ooo, gross. That’s like a lunch I guess”
“Nah man, that’s not lunch, that’s the secretary’s salmiepuss on the bosses lips”
“Ooo, gross. That’s like a lunch I guess”
A pussy that has a distinct odor typically present prior to a heavy menstrual cycle. Likely to have a taste of a handrail or a roll on pennies. Typically an acute state of a pussy, but is found in less common cases to be chronic. Derived from the terms “salmon” and “pussy”.
“Yo, who the fuck ate some kinda tuna salad or fish in the break room??”
“Nah man, that’s not lunch, that’s the secretary’s salmiepuss on the bosses lips”
“Ooo, gross. That’s like a lunch I guess”
“Nah man, that’s not lunch, that’s the secretary’s salmiepuss on the bosses lips”
“Ooo, gross. That’s like a lunch I guess”