

俚语 salt lake cities

Salt Lake City

The biggest city in Utah. Besides Reno, it is the only major city in the Great Basin.
"Weed's illegal in Salt Lake City...AND the state of Utah."
"Then I'm not going!"

Salt Lake City

A wonderful city in the beautiful state of Utah; known for the abundance in Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints members. Also known for the teenagers that ride fixed gear road bikes (fixie kids). Amazing and majestic mountains and THE GREATEST SNOW ON EARTH!!! Known very well for the amazing ski resorts.
A fantastic place to live!!!
Person1: Where should I move to?
Person2: Salt Lake City, Utah man! It's soo awesome there! It's a really freindly and beautiful place to live!

Salt Lake City

a city with lots of Mormons and gangsters and it seems like whoever I meet from here is on drugs.
word son, representin salt lake city to the fullest!

Salt Lake City

another definition for salty. to be upset or let down by something.
Person 1: I have to go to work for 12 hours tonight.

Person 2: Salt Lake City

salt lake city

the capital city of the awkwardly cool state of utah mromons abound here the city has a great university with a rocking party/local music scene. Also as the third highest gays per capita of any capital
dude i totally saw a show in salt lake city last night

Salt Lake Cities

Rhyming slang for titties!
Have a look at those salt lake Cities!

Geez those salt lakes are huge!

salt lake city

Salt lake city is a huge city that is full of weird rude people. Alot of bums and bad roads. A place where the streets dont have names but instead go by numbers followed by north south east west. It takes forever to get from one place to the next..The night life there sucks ass. Utah sucks
I f-ing hate salt lake city people




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