

俚语 beach party

Beach Party

Ordering more than one Corona at a bar/restuarant.
Jesse: Hey barmaid, can I get two shots of Jack and a beach party?

Barmaid Sally: How many coronas, sweetie?

Jesse: One for me and one for ol' T-bone.

beach party

The term beach party is used for times when a large group of people are all in a bad mood at once. This is called a beach party because it appears that everyone in the group has traved to the beach and has collected a large a amount of sand in their vagina.
"God it was such a beach party at work today, everyone was bitting each others heads off, and the floor was covered in fish scented sand"

black person beach party

Noun -
Can be abbreviated as BPBP. This is a term that originated from references of outrageous beach parties that are often seen in most rap videos or coverage of a P. Diddy party.

(Used to denote wild, crazy, and rowdy. Not used as a racist term. Most rap videos that contain beach party scenes are all of the above.)
Hey man, last night I went out to the bar. When I arrived, there was hardly anyone in the place. About 30 minutes later, it turned in to a black person beach party.

alaskan beach ball party

Its when you go to the graveyard with a friend and dig up two corpses, you then fuck both or one of them and then you cut their heads off and play catch with them.
Friend 1: Hey man are you up for an Alaskan Beach Ball Party?
Friend 2: Sure thing, what the hell is it?
Friend 1: Its when you go to the graveyard with a friend and dig up two corpses, you then fuck both or one of them and then you cut their heads off and play catch with them.
Friend 2: OOOOOOOOOOO, Sounds fun!!




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