

俚语 beacom


Beacom, verb
beacomed, beacoming
Etymology: not Irish, that’s for sure
Definition: to allow exactly 0 fun

Definition: one who ruins fun
“Seeing all of those crunchy granola people at the party really beacomed my whole night.”

“Wow, I was a menace last night- I was being such a beacom”


A tall and skinny chach who thinks he's much bigger than he is. chach
Man that beacom thinks he could kick my ass. If I sat on him I'd break his ribs.

Dude I'm seven inches shorter than that beacom, yet thirty pounds more.


A tall and skinny chach who calls himself is projectable
"Just because josh is tall , he calls himself projectable for baseball"
"I know he's such a beacom"

Goldey-Beacom College

A small college in Wilmington, DE that parties way beyond it's numbers. The students enrolled there are very diverse with only a few things in common-all majors in business, sports, and alcohol.
Goldey-Beacom College: Where Delaware goes to get drunk!




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