

俚语 sam dick

sam dick

sam dick a funny alternative to sam hill or sam hell when you are surprised or angry
what the sam dick just happened that was awesome

Sam's dick

An extremely large penis do not fuck wit him if you gave this dick a good sucking he will love you forever

" I sucked Sam's dick and now he loves me forever"
Sam's dick is the best dick I've seen

Sam Dick

It is absolutely tiny and it can not be sucked. Too small for any sexual pleasure.
He has a Sam Dick, it is micro.

big dick sam

One of the Largest Penises on a human being.
Big dick Sam put me in a wheel chair last week because it was so big.

mega dick sam

Mega Dick Sam is the largest and best dick in the world. Imagine the best dick ever, Mega Dick Sam is 3x as good as that. He can provide immeasurable pleasure. He usually prefers men, but will not turn down the occasional woman. Everyone wants to claim Mega Dick Sam as their own, however, it is nearly impossible to do so because of the high demand. MDS never uses condone and fucks like a beast who cannot be tamed.
Bro I finally got with Mega Dick Sam!
No way I heard he isn’t even real!
We had sex yesterday, look how wide my asshole is!
You lucky bastard

Sam's dick

Unstoppable reality breaker that create the multiverse and know universe and size is infinite.
Sam's dick is bigger then Mckenley's dick based on recent research in May 18, 2022.

By Mckenley the all knowing

Sam's dick

Unstoppable reality breaker that create the multiverse and know universe and size is infinite.
Sam's dick is bigger then Mckenley's dick based on recent research in May 18, 2022.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:56:39