

俚语 samma gamma

samma gamma

Some believe ‘samma gamma’ to be the name of god himself. A group of followers (known as ‘gammas’) have mutual agreement that their lord and saviour has certain characteristics, such as being an epic gamer, always having fresh kicks, speaking softly yet speaking words of great power and has a wack jumpshot. In attempts to convert normal people into ‘gammas’, followers will screech ‘SAMMMMMA GAMMMMA’ at non believers. The belief of ‘samma gamma’ is currently growing in popularity and it is believed that a ‘Church of Samma Gamma’ exists in the outer suburbs of Melbourne, Australia.
*normal people chatting*
Ronald: hello my normal friend, would you like to go have fun like normal people?

*a ‘gamma’ enters the area*

Ronald: wtf lmao

Soft Chanting from ‘gammas’ : samma gamma samma gamma samma gamma samma gamma




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:01:46