They are usually introverted even if most people think otherwise. Know a lot of people but are only close with very little. Has crazy energy through the day enjoys watching shows (anime?) and listening to music. (Sometimes has a really cool bsf) They are very beautiful and their features go really well together even if they are insecure about it and everyone either says or spells their name wrong. They almost always have a nickname.
Hey Sammara do you want to watch a movie?
Is a very beautiful person inside in out is caring and knows who has a good character. They have features that go perfect with their face. Others may view them as extroverted due to their fun personality when in reality they are introverted and prefer to be kept to themselves. They love to watch shows and movies ( anime) and enjoy discovering music. Sammaras are the type to be your comfort character they always have your back and match the energy in the air. They’re good to have in your corner and to talk about your problems with.
Sammara’s hair looks really good today!
This name is very unique! Most people often say or spell it wrong. But the ones with the unique names are ALWAYS the best!
Teacher: “Samara?”
Sammara: “it’s Sammara.”
Sammara: “it’s Sammara.”