

俚语 beakinator


An egyptian girl with a very large nose that houses the entire nothern hemisphere and most of the southern as well as osama bin laden. Some points reach beyond the limits of time and space

Why doesnt the beakinator get a nose job?


When a person is chirpin or attempting to insult you
Buddy over there is beakin
keep them gums beakin' boyy


Dangerous. Getting highly intoxicated from large doses of drugs or alcohol in a small amount of time causing a person to pass out or become out of it or very ill. Usually taken place at parties or teenage get togathers.
Sam- Bro. Do you remember last night? We were beakin so hard. i passed out and i have no idea what happend.
Adam- i know man! Its sad for my brain cells!

Tom- We beakin tonight bro?
Dan- Hell naw. You tryin to die?


a term for someone who has a huge nose that looks like a cross between a bird beak and a mountian.
JOHN: Dang! Look at that guys beakin!
ASHLEY: OMG its huge!
JOHN: Im glad my nose is small!
ASHLEY: Me to! Id hate to have a beakin!

Straight beakin it

When you wear such a straight beak hat that it makes people notice you.
“Look at that man straight beakin it”
“Wow that group is really straight beakin it hard”

chicken beakin

Forming your fingers into a chicken beakin shape in order to bang a chick to loosen her up
I was chicken beakin this slut just so I could put the tip in


a meth head or crack head also know as a tweaker that stands on the roof and trys to land airplane's/UFOs
noah:bro what that guy doin trying to land a pound of meth
brad:hes a tweakin-beakin man




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:42:43