

俚语 sandlot


To take a hot dog/other dick shaped object, cover it in sand, and shove it into the anal cavity of the victim.
"That bitch was screaming when I gave her a sandlot last night."

The Sandlot

Awesome movie with awesome music set in the early 1960's in the San Fernando Valley :)

from IMDB:
Scotty Smalls moves to a new neighborhood with his mom and stepdad, and wants to learn to play baseball. The neighborhood baseball guru Rodriquez takes Smalls under his wing, and soon he's part of the local baseball buddies. They fall into adventures involving baseball, treehouse sleep-ins, the desirous lifeguard at the local pool, the snooty rival ball team, and the travelling fair. Beyond the fence at the back of the sandlot menaces a legendary ball-eating dog called The Beast, and the kids inevitably must deal with him.
The Sandlot is the greatest movie in the world!!!

"you're killing me smalls"
"you play ball like a girl!!!"
"is that your sister out there on left field...naked?"


The act of uttering what is considered to be the untimate insult to a guy, "you play ball like a girl!"
As quoted in the movie The Sandlot:
"Phillips: You bob for apples in the toilet! And you like it!

Ham Porter: You play ball like a giiirrrrrrrrl!

entire group stands in shocked silence

Phillips: What did you say?

Ham Porter: You heard me.

Phillips: Tomorrow. Noon, at our field. Be there, buffalo-butt breath"

You have been Sandlotted!


When an absolute party animal fucks your mom
Your mom recieved THE SANDLOT last night

The sandlot

The sand lot I a movie about a group of little boys about the ages 10 - 14 who play baseball and simp over a girl named Wendy and had two rip off movies
cool guy : My life was so much better before I realized there's a sandlot 2 and 3 THEY'RE JUST A BUNCH OF LITTLE WHITE KIDS ACTING LIKE THE OG CHARACTERS ITS NOT THE SAME MAN!
guy : what?

cool guy now crying : I hate you * throws DVD of the sandlot at there head * WATCH IT


A word used to define a sexual encounter behind someones back. It is done in a house, on the roof or upstairs.
"Guys, can u stop sandlotting and come outside"

"Try not to sandlot when u go over her house"

Sandlot Photo

A photo of you and all of your best friends together. One glance at the photo later in life will allow you to remember all of your greatest memories with that group of friends. This is a photo that you will frame and keep forever. You will show your kids and tell them all about the best days of your life. A photo just like the one from the movie, "The Sandlot".
1. "Hey guys, let's take a photo! Let's make this our Sandlot Photo!"

2. Your kid: "Hey Mom/Dad, what kind of picture is that?"

You: *Looks at photo with the happiest feeling* "Why that's my Sandlot Photo."




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