

俚语 bean baby

bean baby

A mythical giant coffee bean dreamt by people who work with coffee on a daily basis.
Man...I had that Bean Baby dream again last night.

Bean Baby

A bean baby is the outcome of eating a shit-ton of beans and having liquid, molten diarrhea.
"Those delicious beans your mom made last night gave me a total bean baby this morning."

"Really? That sucks."

Bean baby

A bean baby is many different things. Like it could be a soft hearted person and or someone who is just plain cuddly. A person that is referred to as a bean baby is normally cute, funny and nice . If someone calls you a bean baby don't be startled as its simply a compliment
Aw you're such a bean baby

Baby Beans

A couple of hot, young lesbians.
The bar is full of baby beans tonight.

Baby bean

What you call a fictional character that you love too much for words to describe.
Tomura shigaraki is my baby bean and I love him

Baby Beans

1) A term used to describe a dish by Catalan waiters to dupe tourists into eating baby squid.

2) Middle aged Spanish sweaty gentlemen of short stature who like the taller Welsh men. They are often found in bars trying to lead lost tourists into enclosed spaces where they can block the exit with the gleam from their shiny,sweaty head.
1) You ordered baby beans... i bring baby beans..

2) We nearly lost Andy to a baby bean last night...

Baby Bean

A puppy that is hyperactive.
My dog is a baby Bean.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:23:22