

俚语 sap sucker

sap sucker

another name for nectar collector
“dude do you wanna take a dab off of the rig or the sap sucker”

sap sucker

1)a loser or whack brother.
2)a term of endearment toward close friends.
1) That sap sucker stole my shoes.
2) What's up sap sucker.

sap sucker

A derogatory term for a Canadian person or thing.
That douche Sidney Crosby is such a sap sucker.

Sap Sucker

A leech, or worthless person who uses someone else's financial status for their own benefit.
" Man can you believe she uses her parents like that, Adele is such a sap sucker."

" Can you believe Adele dumped that dude after he got fired from his job. Bitch ass sap sucker."


when a girl is sucking the head of your dick and using both hands to stroke it in a circular as well as lateral motion. This often feels very good.
Dude, you have to get blown by Tracy. She gives the best sap-sucker ever!

Sorry Sap Sucker

A very nasty person. Less often used as it’s counterpart word, mother fucker. People often use this term trying to make themselves not sound so nasty as saying, “mother fucker”, but other countries actually consider “Sorry Sap Sucker” as one of the harshest things to call someone.
“That sorry sap sucker ate the last dinner role!”
“Jeez, what a sorry sap sucker!”

Canadian Sap Sucker

When one pours maple syrup into another's asshole and proceeds to suck/lick it out.
I tried to get Kelly to give me a Canadian Sap Sucker last night and she wasn't down, I even had the maple syrup ready!




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:40:00