A modern day religion that worships a mysterious god known as Lee-Wizz who promotes health, self-awareness, acceptance and good-looks. It originated in Northern Ireland and has no original concepts associated with morals and justice. I recommend you look into it if you are struggling to find a God to believe in.
Jane: I started a hobby, well... Loose-religion.
Gerald: Oh? What is it?
Jane: Beangus.
Gerald: Oh? What is it?
Jane: Beangus.
pen15, penis, Banegoosey, panegoose, panegus, banejuice, banegoose, chumleaker.
Becca: His beangus was so disguisting.
Madison: Really?! Eww!
Becca: Thank gooshness for that fist tho!!
Madison: Really?! Eww!
Becca: Thank gooshness for that fist tho!!