

俚语 sasuke uchiha's

Sasuke Uchiha

Uchiha Sasuke is a main character in the Naruto series. He was originally introduced as a protagonist; a member of Konohagakure's Team 7. As the series progressed he became an antagonist, culminating in his association with the Akatsuki, becoming one of the most dynamic characters in the series. Sasuke is also one of the last last surviving members of the Uchiha clan, along with Uchiha Madara.
My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan, and kill a certain someone.

sasuke uchiha

Sasuke Uchiha. One of the main characters in the series Naruto. He is the sole survivor of the Uchiha clan massacre. He defines himself as an avenger. He seeks power in order to kill his older brother Itachi Uchiha, the one that killed the clan. Sasuke posseses his clan's bloodline trait, sharingan. Due to that, he is a fast learner and is able to copy justus during battle. He is like an aniki (brother) to Naruto and his best friend is Naruto. In part one of the series he is 12 years old. In part two, he is 15. His profile is as followed:

Birthday: July 23
Blood Type: AB
Height: 153.2 cm
Weight: 43.5 kg
Known relatives: Fugaku Uchiha (father, deceased), Mikoto Uchiha (mother, deceased), and Itachi Uchiha (brother).

His previous affiliations: Konoha, Sound village.

Abilites: Sharingan, Chidori, Chidori Current, Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique, Cursed Seal (first stage and second stage), Snake summons (from body and giant snakes), and other fire techniques. Not all are known due to Sasuke not showing all of his current abilities. For taijutsu he knows Hayabusa Otoshi (Peregrine Falcon Drop), Shishi Rendan (Lion Combo, English version: Lions Barrage), and many other techniques.

Personality: he doesn't show much affection toward girl (fangirls) except Sakura Haruno. He is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of helping/protecting his friends (Sakura and Naruto). Beginning of the series, he believes he is much more talented than Sakura and Naruto. He craves power and doesn't speak much. He usually doesn't say anything other than "Hn." He values his teammates more than himself. He seeks strong opponents, believing each victory he obtains indicates his growth. He does not show much respect to anyone. Sasuke does not like to kill people he does not know (innocent people), and makes it a point to prevent as many deaths as possible.

He is usually described as a Bishie, or rather Bishounen. Meaning pretty boy.
Sasuke Uchiha & Naruto: Sasuke Retrieval. Bring Back Sasuke To Konoha

Sasuke: "I'm an avenger and I will do what is necessary to obtain power. I have to kill him."

Naruto: "Sasuke! Orochimaru only wants you body as a new container."

Sasuke: "If that is what is needed to kill Itachi, then so be it."

sasuke uchiha

an emo fucker trying to kill his brother
itachi uchiha: bruh tf

sasuke uchiha: calm down lmao

Sasuke Uchiha

One of the main characters in the anime/manga series "Naruto". When he was younger, he witnessed the murder of his entire clan at the hand of his sexy older brother, Itachi Uchiha. As a result he is very angsty and emotionally unstable, and desires revenge on his older brother at all costs. His teammates are Naruto Uzumaki (his best friend/rival/gay lover), Sakura Haruno (his good friend, who has a crush on him, unaware of his gayness), and Kakashi Hatake (his sensei/teacher/father figure).

Just as Naruto starts to work his way into Sasuke's heart, Orochimaru (the son of Lord Voldemort and Michael Jackson), who desires the bloodline limit of the Uchiha clan (the Sharingan), approaches Sasuke during the Chuunin exams and gives him a hickey--er, Cursed Seal to give him a taste of power and put him back on the path of revenge. As a result, later in the series Sasuke joins Orochimaru, who begins to train/molest him, so he can become strong enough to kill Itachi.

Despite what rabid fangirls wish to believe, there is no evidence that Sasuke is heterosexual. Quite the opposite, actually. Sasuke shows no interest in females, despite having legions of fangirls within the series who he could easily get into bed if he desired. Fangirls like to use the "I want to restore my clan" line as proof that Sasuke is straight, despite the fact that "restore my clan" is a very vague phrase and Sasuke has done nothing to back up his words (IF restore clan = make babies).

Nearly everyone in the Naruto fandom hates Sasuke for being "an emo fag" and betraying his friends, and apparently they don't care that Sasuke went through overwhelming trauma as a child and is probably borderline insane. This just shows that the majority of the Naruto fandom are heartless bastards who hate what they don't understand. There are other reasons people hate Sasuke, but they're all stupid so it's pointless to state them here.

This definition will have 1748354793141571894751341 thumbs down from Sasuke haters.
Person 1: Sasuke Uchiha is such an emo fag!!1 If I were him I'd NEVER EVER EVER betray my friends!!1 And I wouldn't be so EMO if my bro killed my parents!!1 Blahblahblah sasuke sux blahblah emo crybaby blaahblahblah killed Deidei-kun-chan-sama blahblahblah fag blah blah *WHINE BITCH WHINE BITCH* *IS A HYPOCRITE*

Person 2: ...Wow. You're the most immature, whiny emo crybaby bitch I've ever met. You clearly don't understand Sasuke Uchiha. :|

sasuke uchiha

a very hot motherfucker! i want him to degrade me and chidori my pu$$y

he is also misunderstood and people who hate him have probably never understood what being oppressed (or are bandwagons who don’t understand the show) is like they probably will tell you he was wrong but in reality he had the most realistic reaction to what was done to his people and the uchihas deserved justice rightfully so

it is true that he did do some embarrassing things like trying to kill his wifey sakura haruno but anyways (if you don’t like sasusaku please get a life and read the mangas and his books like sasuke’s story because he actually did love her the anime was just terrible at showing it but are we surprised)

sasuke uchiha is literally the most powerful uchiha and if you disagree ur probably 12 years old specifically adult sasuke solos madara and itachi (watch boruto too)

his rinnegan is so freaking sexy but he lost it in boruto (that’s why boruto sucks but still watch)
Me: “who is your favorite naruto character”

person: “sasuke uchiha”
*me & the person makeout*

Sasuke Uchiha

Uchiha "Little Dick" Sasuke is a main character in Naruto who will stop at nothing to be the biggest homo in the series. Wanting to kill his brother for killing the Uchiha clan, Sasuke goes to ninja school in a different village only to make friends then dip like a pussy for some guy named Orochimaru, a snake man who's dick is constantly slobbered on by Sasuke for new Jutsu. He does this because the main character Naruto handled being an orphan who worked through his problems with hard work and dedication was still better than him. Although Sasuke could have easily solved his problems with some rope and a step ladder or chair.
I wish "Little dick" Sasuke Uchiha, would kill himself.

Sasuke Uchiha

A twink
Naruto: Hey Twink
Sasuke Uchiha: A WHAT NOW?!!?
Naruto: A Twink dumbass




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