To take pleasure in the misery of Bitcoin investors when the price drops.
The feeling is often experienced by individuals about whom one or more of the following points may apply:
- Regret about not buying Bitcoin when the price was considerably lower.
- Regret about not buying Bitcoin during a recent dip in price.
- Firm belief that a different asset class (e.g. Gold) is a superior investment.
The word is derived from Satoshi, a fraction of a Bitcoin and often abbreviated to Sat, and schadenfreude.
The feeling is often experienced by individuals about whom one or more of the following points may apply:
- Regret about not buying Bitcoin when the price was considerably lower.
- Regret about not buying Bitcoin during a recent dip in price.
- Firm belief that a different asset class (e.g. Gold) is a superior investment.
The word is derived from Satoshi, a fraction of a Bitcoin and often abbreviated to Sat, and schadenfreude.
A feeling of satenfreude came over me as the price of Bitcoin continued to tumble. Maybe those guys at the office will shut up about it now.
Mike just lost a ton of money on crypto. I feel nothing but satenfreude. Hopefully his Lambo breaks down on the freeway too.
Mike just lost a ton of money on crypto. I feel nothing but satenfreude. Hopefully his Lambo breaks down on the freeway too.