A state of contentment encouraged by psychadelic drugs.
Eating shrooms at the Bjork show left me highly satisfried.
The feeling your brain gets when you've worked on something so hard for so long and finally, you feel done with it.
lab partner 1: "yo, did you finish the calculations?"
lab partner 2: "yes, f*ck im so done with this lab. I feel satisfried, lets submit dis bish!"
lab partner 2: "yes, f*ck im so done with this lab. I feel satisfried, lets submit dis bish!"
Used to describe fried food that is satisfying.
- Wyd?
- Just stuffing my face with satisfrying chicken.
After a Big Mac and fries at McDonald's, I'm pretty satisfried.
- Just stuffing my face with satisfrying chicken.
After a Big Mac and fries at McDonald's, I'm pretty satisfried.
Crispy, golden, fluffy, all-natural deliciousness you can only get at Burger King.
My girlfriend always makes me pick up Satisfries for her when I make a BK run.
Connotes not only satisfaction, but hotness.
alternate form:
Connotes not only satisfaction, but hotness.
alternate form:
"Damn, girl! Yo' ass be satisfry'n!"
"So, she's giving me a BJ, and she looks right at me while she's doing it - easily the most satisfrying experience of my life."
"So, she's giving me a BJ, and she looks right at me while she's doing it - easily the most satisfrying experience of my life."
A feeling of euphoria. An emotional state of well-being only accomplished after eating Burger King's Satisfries.
Jake and I went to BK for lunch yesterday and I've never felt more satisfried.