

俚语 sausage casing

Sausage Casing

Another word used for a condom.
Gary: "hey man, Jess is coming over later, you got a sausage casing i can borrow?"

Matt: "go buy your own, you broke-ass mother fucker!"

sausage casing

A woman so fat that her skin looks like a sausage casing...there is no room left to expand.
That sausage casing girl looks about ready to explode.

Sausage casing

When you slide the condom off in her ass so when she shits it fills the condom like a sausage
Hey Becky, Keaton left a condom in my ass, when I pooped the next day it looked like I left a full sausage casing in the toilet

sausage casing

Term used to describe the ring of guys surrounding an attractive woman at the bar. Blocking off any outside contact. Also a "sausage force-field."
Man 1: You should go talk to her.
Man 2: I can't. She's got a fucking sausage casing around her.

Sausage casing

Pantyhose for big gals
It sure is hard getting into these darn sausage casings said Helen

sausage caseing

adj, 1. someone of +35 years with wrinkled skin or a bad tan, who usualy has thining to no hair
that old dudes a sausage caseing.

Greasy Sausage Casing

The greasy, shiny, filthy condition of a condom after engaging in anal sex with a woman with a dirty ass.
Frank loves having anal sex with his girlfriend Norma. However, he dislikes the Greasy Sausage Casing he gets because of Norma's muddy playing conditions.




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