

俚语 savannah font

Savannah Font

A fake whore who you wanna stay away from. Clingy, annoying, childish and kinda fake. At first she’s fun to be around until you see her true form. She also has around 100 guys in her DM’s so fellas, don’t feel so special you aren’t the only one. She will talk shit about you even if you are her “best friend” so watch ur back. She’s pretty i guess but she tries really hard to be popular and not many like her around.
Person 1: Hey do you know savannah font ?
Person 2: ya, i don’t think many like her
everyone else: We really don’t

Savannah Font

The most gorgeous girl you'll ever meet. She is one you can be mad at but still love. Her smile can make your day instantly. She is an amazing person who will always be there for you. She never fails to cheer you up when you're down. She's funny and sweet and you'll never find someone like her. Cherish all the time you get with her.
I love Savannah Font




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:56:08