

俚语 7¢'s

Dub 7's

A slang term for Malboro 27's
''Hey man lemme get a Dub 7"

You got a Dub 7?Yeah Man

What Kinda Squares you got Nigga? Dub 7's

Year 7’s

Kids who pose with their hand in front of their face when taking selfies. Drive me insane. Push in front of you in the paniniqueue thinking their all hard. Have faces like a smacked arse and always post depressing things on snapchat. Have boyfriends that last a week, n stay up late doin all nighters to get views on snapchat. Hun you’re cringe af
Ay ay, this queues got longer
Bloody Year 7’spush the tinysods out the way

Year 7's

Infectious little beings may cause sevenitis.
Travel in packs; generally swear at older years probably not loved.
Think there hard and take all the food from the canteen.
The Year 7's were walking around like chavs

6's and 7's

The phrase, to be at 6's and 7's implies that you are at a loss, or in a state of ineptitude where you cannot reliably take acton.

The saying originates from a situation in 1327 and relates to the Guilds of Tradesmen in the City of London. The Merchant Taylors and the Skinners were founded within a few days of each other, five other Guilds having already received their charters. The age of each Guild dictated its position in the Lord Mayor's procession. The Merchant Taylors and the Skinners argued for fifty years as to which should go sixth in the procession. In the end, Sir Robert Billesden, the current Lord Mayor, decreed that they should take it in turns to go sixth and seventh.
Their defense was in utter shambles. They couldn't do anything right. They were at 6's and 7's.

6's and 7's

slang term for crazy
yo that mark ass trick is all 6's and 7's nigga for real. hand me my ratchet and let me ice this fool right now!

Your 4's and 5's are my 6's and 7's

A girl you think is in the 4-5 level of hotness is actually a 6-7 to someone else.
"That girl isn't hot."

"Well, your 4's and 5's are my 6's and 7's.

7-11's other tax

when you go to 7-11, and due to the fact that you are too stoned to care, buy one of their poor quality hot dogs, loading it up with all of the disgusting condiments, and nacho cheese. This, more often than not, results in a sick feeling in the gut, followed by explosive diarreah.
cool guy 1: man lets go to 7-11 and get some delicious hot dogs.
cool guy 2: man you are looking to pay 7-11's other tax!
cool guy 1: fuck man.
cool guy 2: yeah man lets go.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:02:24