

俚语 sayrah


The living embodiment of She-Rah Princess of Power.
'Whoa man dun mess with her, she's Sayrah! Princess of Power!'


A ghost amongst the crowd. A miserable excuse for a creature of such utter lifelessness that she can barely even be conceptualised, so mundane is the reality in which she exists.

So inconsequential and unsubstantial as to be virtually hidden and thus almost entirely undetectable by means of visible light or indeed by any other form of light on the electromagnetic spectrum.

Unseen, unheard, untouchable, devoid of anything that could ever possibly be considered human.

The personification of the living dead.

The epitome of non-existence.
Never was there such an abject thing as she.

The undetectable apparition that only barely exists within the lifeless void that is mediocrity itself.

Existence is futile.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 2:57:29