'Straight Best Friend'. For Gay people who have a best friend who is straight as a ruler ;)
Girl: OMG Your are my GBF!
Gay Friend: And your my SBF!
Gay Friend: And your my SBF!
SBF stands for 'Super Best friend', it's a reference to a south park episode that goes under the same name. The episode is the 3rd episode of the 5th season.
Are we SBFs? Or just BFFS?
Small, bitch faggot.
"Retarded crypto investor Sam Bankman-Fried is a small, bitch faggot. SBF_FTX"
Surprise Butt Fucked. When you don't see butt sex coming. Its not rape, its surprise butt sex
Dude: I saw that guy on tv get sbf
acronym for "Shes Beast Fool"
It can pertain to an ugly girl, ugly car, or all things ugly.
It can pertain to an ugly girl, ugly car, or all things ugly.
"This fat chick, Jen, SBF!"
Stripper Best Friend
A person that you can relate with in your job, trust, and make money with.
A person that you can relate with in your job, trust, and make money with.
HIM: "do you know her?"
ME: "ofcourse!! thats my sbf!!'
ME: "ofcourse!! thats my sbf!!'
Summer Boyfriend
Girl "Hey, are you serious yet?"
Other girl " Hell no, hes just my sbf"
Other girl " Hell no, hes just my sbf"