Scanning the Kij
Pronounced "Ki-ge"
This refers to the act of checking the popular buy & sell website "kijiji". Normally used by eccentric (poor and unkept) people, though also used by regular people and tight-ass-cheapo rich people looking to rip off poor unsuspecting folk (eccentrics). Recently in 2010-2011, along with craigslist it erased its personal categories due to social pressure, and its use for prostitution.
This refers to the act of checking the popular buy & sell website "kijiji". Normally used by eccentric (poor and unkept) people, though also used by regular people and tight-ass-cheapo rich people looking to rip off poor unsuspecting folk (eccentrics). Recently in 2010-2011, along with craigslist it erased its personal categories due to social pressure, and its use for prostitution.
Scanning the Kij for some new tires