

俚语 scatti


The act of splitting/stretching/spreading two items. Usually applies to legs, but may also be used for other things - eg, opening an umbrella, spreading apart ass cheeks, doing the splits, etc.
May also mean 'torn', 'split' or 'ripped'.
Ok, madam, scatti your legs so I can take a pap smear.


someone who is all over the place
oh no!!! ive forgot to go to that interview it must be because i lost my appointment card, where is that now? oh this must be it in my bra! I thought something was itchy! hehe!


Scouse word; originated to describe something, scatty is like messy, wrong, scruffy, those kind of things.
Hayley: I snorted coke last night.
Harry: Thats pure scatty.


the way u feel in the morning after a night of being intoxicated on any type of drug
jimbo:"alrite mate how u feel this morning after last nite at the rave?"
jonny:"not to good mate,i feel a bit scatty"


Someone that's had too many e's or other class A's.

Also applies to scatty scag'eads who'd do anything to get a bag of brown.
"Look at the state on that scatty pill'ead"

"You do wha? Chip, yuh scatty coont"


A person who can't think straight... or just can't think.

...also, ditsy
Big brother chics are scatty


Someone who is messy, or generally disorganised. They could also be lanky, or wear scraggy clothes. See scatter scat
Look at that creature emeril, how very scatty.




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