

俚语 schadenfreuders


Schadenfreuders are people who want you to fail at life
they punctured my tire because they are schadenfreuders


German word, original translation loosely comes out as 'malicious joy'. In English, it's thought of 'malicious enjoyment from the suffering of another'. As there is no succinct English version of the word, English-speaking peoples have approximated this word and use it whenever they see people like corrupt CEOs get dragged off to jail.
Did you see that look on Fastow's face as he was told he couldn't take soap-on-a-rope to the lockup? Man, I felt a warm, comforting sense of schadenfreude in my gut when I saw it...


pleasure derived from others' troubles.
although "schadenfreude" seems widely known I've never heard it being used in casual conversation.

Probably it's more the problem of not knowing how to pronounce it. I've heard "skäidenfruhd," for instance :)


Watching a vegetarian being told she just ate chicken

Or watching a frat boy realize just what he put his dick in

Being on the elevator when somebody shouts "Hold the door!"

Straight-A students getting Bs

Exes getting STDs

Waking doormen from their naps

Watching tourists reading maps

Football players getting tackled

CEOs getting shackled

Watching actors never reach the ending of their oscar speech!
"Fuck you lady, that's what stairs are for!"


1) taking pleasure in other people's pain
Taylor: Schadenfreude, Kanye!


The joy one feels when bad things happen to other people.


The act of deriving pleasure from someone else's misfortune.

Orgin = German: Schaden, damage (from Middle High German schade, from Old High German scado) + Freude, joy (from Middle High German vreude, from Old High German frewida, from fr, happy).
An sense of schadenfreude came over me as I watched a Chevy Suburban with a "W" bumpersticker pull into a gas station advertising $3.89 per gallon.


Pleasure from another's misfortune
This economy's producing plenty of opportunities for Schadenfreude as Congress summons multimillion dollar CEOs to defend themselves




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:25:32