(noun) A white wienersmoker originating from California. The only thing that exceeds his IQ score is his waist size.
(adjective) Pejorative description for a small penis.
(adjective) Pejorative description for a small penis.
Translated to Faganese for Schleaze:
1. A fabulouth chap who hailth from Schlong Beach, U.ETH. of (g)A(y)! The only thing that extheedth hith FABULOUTH IQ thcore ith the thithe of hith ath! (_)_)
2. 8D
1. A fabulouth chap who hailth from Schlong Beach, U.ETH. of (g)A(y)! The only thing that extheedth hith FABULOUTH IQ thcore ith the thithe of hith ath! (_)_)
2. 8D