

俚语 schulicher


A particular form of Schulich student attending the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto, Canada. This is a breed set apart from the normal, hard working Schulich student and takes snobbery, stupidity and competition to an extreme level. A mostly stuck up person who puts the other Schulich students at York University to shame. Often the type of person, girl or guy, who believes that they are better than most others at York because they go to Schulich. These are individuals who's Daddies are paying their fees for them, and who seem to feel entitled to almost anything. Using round about logic, they try to not talk to 'yorkies' and often live in a dreamworld where their prestige is known to all, when n reality very few people outside of York has ever heard of Schulich. The younger Schulichers like to get drunk and party, pretending this is appropriate behavior for business students, and also engage in forming cliques and fraternities. These kids are despised by the decent Schulich crowd and other York students alike and will often take over perfectly good residences or study spaces to shout loudly and waste 8 hours attempting to study. Some of the more severe cases will get pissed off that their final degrees will state they attended York University and not Schulich, not realizing that Schulich is not a University or school in it's self.
Yorkie: Hey you see that Schulicher over there, handing out business cards and pretending he's tough shit?

Yorkie 2: Which one?

Yorkie 1: The guy with the baseball cap and business suit...

Yorkie 2: The one know one's paying attention to?

Yorkie 1: Yep, that's the one.

So Schulich

Adjective. Describing the selfish and unfriendly approach of students who pretend that work isn't done in order to ensure that their fellow students are totally screwed.

In a different context, "So Schulich" is also defined as an individual who prescribes anti-social tendencies for the purposes of furthering academic success within various eco-habitats such as the Bronfman Library.
C is so Schulich on her friends - D recently had to stay up all night because of that.

Schulich School of Business

The Schulich School of Business is York University's business school in Toronto, Ontario that offers an undergraduate, pHD, executive and MBA program.

Schulich generally receives a lot of hate by other students - some for truly valid reasons, while others for reasons beyond stupid. Firstly, Schulich students tend to have a reputation for being highly pretentious and snobby (applicable to both MBA's and undergrads). A lot of students seem to think that because they attend Schulich, they are immediately better than everyone else. Such specimens enjoy displaying the fact that they are Schulich students to others (i.e wearing Schulich hoodies, the infamous Schulich lanyard, talking loudly about Schulich problems to outsiders etc.) to help with their ego problems. Worse still, many students who in the pursuit of appearing down to earth and decent, tend to exaggerate their dislike of other pretentious Schulich students and ultimately end up being more snobby and douchey themselves.
There is a large divide between the students of York and Schulich. It is interesting to note that while most York students might reason this with a supposed intellectual gap, the majority of students of Schulich lack the common sense of a banana. Also, what makes this divide all the more evident is the juxtaposition of an ultra-right leaning Schulich with a highly liberal York University.
Person 1: Oh my God, I'm from the Schulich School of Business and I hate how some Schulich'ers are soooooo pretentious. Seriously man, why do people act like that!! I mean, just because you go to York, it doesn't mean you're less intelligent than we are!! Seriously dude, some Schulich'ers can be SOOO obnoxious
Person 2: Yea, I know the type...

Schulich School of Business

The school is filled with bunch of stuck up cunts, who's way over their heads...
Person 1 " Hey I'm from Schulich School of Business"
Person 2 "So you're a cunt?"
Person 1 "Correctomundo"




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