Stephen Colbert I'd Like to Fuck.
When the opening credits play for The Colbert Report's new season, he grabs the American flag and jumps down amongst many Amurcan words. One of the first and only easily readable ones is SCILF.
Stephen Colbert I'd Like to Fuck
After watching the Colbert show tonight, I've got a serious case of SCILF!
schoolgirl id like to fuck
oh my god wot a scilf!
Senate Candidate I'd Like to Fuck
Christine O'Donnell is that SCILF I'd love to fuck in the worst way. And I've got the warlock wand for her backdoor coven, that sexy witch.
Social Conservative I'd like to Fuck.
Colbert Report SCILF
Senior Citizen I'd Like to Fuck
Jeff: Wow, did you see that old woman at the post office? SCILF!
Acronym: Small child I'd like to Fuck. A person of years 16 or younger that is quite obviously still tight. See also jailbait.
Users Tip: Nickelodeon TV shows are a goldmine for Scilfs.
Users Tip: Nickelodeon TV shows are a goldmine for Scilfs.
"Wow have you seen the new Hannah Montanah Mylie Ray Cyrus she is such a scilf"