

俚语 scissor dick

Scissor Dick

When two women are scissoring (two females cross their legs so that their genitals touch) and a male places his dick between their genitals.
Hey, you two ladies wanna scissor dick with me?

Scissor dick

The act of sticking scissors in the tip of your dick
Kris scissor dick because he yells at people to much

dick scissors

When a female (or male) has an ass tight enough to warrant fear of dick removal if clinched during anal sex.
Dang did you see that honey over there? She's so fit her ass is dick scissors.

Scissor dick

When a person name pall plays stab the anis with scissors on a guy named Kris
Pall scissor dicks Kris every night

Scissor Dick

EMS version of a Ketchup Dick. Rescue Randy. ParaGod.
"Don't worry, the scissor dicks are here to save the day!"
"Joe got ROSC the other day. Now, he won't shut up about it.. He's such a scissor dick"

Scissor Dicking

The act of two men banging each other at the same time. Though improbable, two men are so horny that they face each other and attempt to nobly penetrate one another whilst circumventing each other's balls.
I'm so horny right now I have dusty balls . Let's bang each other at the same time.
How do we do that?
Easy bro, we'll just do a little scissor dicking.




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