

俚语 scoop me

scoop me

something cigrits from Hamilton say meaning they wish to be picked up
ayo Spencer, scoop me at 11 so we can fuck

scoop me up

to pick someone up.
homie #1: aye foo come scoop me up dawgg.
homie #2: orite foo ill be there in 10.

Scoop me up

Its another term for me pick me up
Yo bro can you scoop me up ?

Scoop me up

Verb. To provide one with an update on the latest news, events and/or happenings concerning an individual, social group or organization. The term first originated in Boston, Massachusetts.
Example 1: "What's the latest goss Phaedra? Scoop me up girl!"
Example 2: "Hey bro, what's been happening since I last saw you? Scoop me up Orli!"
Example 3: "I missed the last episode of Jersey Shore and American Idol, scoop me up on what went down!"




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