

俚语 scoop scoop

scoop scoop

a term used to exert happiness or excitment. aslo used in random situtations to get "pumped up"
can also be used as a verb replacement for many action verbs
(jumps over a bush)
ahh scoop scoop

scoop scoop

"Mmm, I wanna have scoop scoop with that guy"

Scoo-ba doop scoop-scoop

The act of rolling up a spliff/joint/jay and slowly smoking it, enjoying every bit of smoke

Bob Marley did it from monday morning till sunday evening (in his song Sun is Shining)
“Man I don’t feel like doing anything today ..lets just Scoo-ba doop scoop-scoop“

Scoop Grinding (Scooping)

When grinding, the girl drops to the ground and rolls up slowly with her butt pointed out in a ice cream scooping motion. Extremely enjoyable to watch and feel by the guy.
"Dude, that girl was scoop grinding (scooping) me so many times last night it was so hot!"




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