

俚语 scottify


When someone should but then doesn't share with you.
We played football last night and he never passed the ball, it was a definite case of scottify.

We all wanted to play but Chris got scottified and wasn't involved.

Scottified Taskmaster

Scottified Taskmaster The perfect man who will dance in the rain, and show you off and make you feel important. He will steel you're heart and make you feel like you are his everything. And when you least expect it, the Scottifie part happens, and every aspects of your life is nothing, lifeless, hopeless, loveless, and broken.
Scottified Taskmaster is a perfect prince charming from hell.
Yes i fell for my Scottified Taskmaster.
Scottified Taskmaster, and Angel are a perfectly imperfect love turned into a deserted disaster.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:55:08