

俚语 scrabbled


when you make a word that gets you two triple word scores which means youve basicly won the game
person 1: bet you can't beat this
person 2: i just have!!!!!!!
person 1: damm ive just been scrabbled



a portmanteau of Scrabble and ability -

1. the ability to earn many points in Scrabble with obscure words;

2. the ability to believably lie about blatantly falsified words in Scrabble and get away with it.
I totally deceived Jasmine into believing "cugy" was a word with my highly-honed scrabbility, and received seventeen points.


1) the fine powdery residue left in a baggy of marijuana after the contents have been smoked

2) the remnants left in a pouch of tobacco when all the good stuffs gone, usually a shitty tasting tobacco flavored dust
1)'me and adam were gonna skin up but there were only scrabblings left'

2)'this cigarette tastes like shit' 'yeah i know, i had to use the scrabblings'


SEX of any sort.

The term "Scrabble" is a euphenism used when someone (parents, young children,your girlfriend/wife, the police) else may be listening to the conversation.
<conversation in progress>

Guy 1: So, after you got her drunk and to your house, what happened?

*young child walks in*

Guy 2: Well, we played Scrabble all night!


A board game played by spelling words with letter tiles.
"I scored 69 points in Scrabble last night."


To play scrabble, is to perform sexual intercourse or a sexual act.
John: My word, did my ears hear correctly, that one did play scrabble with miss clark from the shop te night before last?

Myself: I do say, I did! I gave her quite a splendid time!


When you are more powerful than your opponent at scrabble
After years of practice Anthony was finally scrabbleful enough to beat his step-dad in a high stakes one-to-one match.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 5:40:16