

俚语 scraw


To rub ones feet with a friend/family member/relationship partner.

A term coined after penguinz0 played Pokémon crystal and the word scratch was misspelled.
“Lets give em that scraw.”

“I am all about the scraws.”


The noise you make when turning into a large, mainly prehistoric, flying animal. This mainly happens out of rage, or distress. If you use Scraw in a situation that you do not express high emotions, you will turn into a small, uncool bird, such as a dove.
Person 1: Would you like some free Robux? Just give me your username and password!
Person 2: *Proceeds to follow instructions, getting acount stolen*
Person 2: SCRAW! *Turns into a pterodactly *
If used incorrectly..
Person 1: I dropped my pencil!
Person 1: SCRAW!
Person 1: *proceeds to turn into a robin hatchling*


An expression signifying strength, dignity and nobility as well as superiority over an inferior person or thing. Can be used at seen fit.

May be used as a challenge, but must be said at an excessive volume. A screeching voice is also very important to the proper deliver of a "Scraw"

Also used to create and break up an awkward silence simultaneously, or to express your dislike and/or confusion towards an individual or an object.
Examples of Scraw:

Ex 1:

Matt: Daniel, why are you wearing bowling shoes?


Ex 2:

Daniel: So what were you guys plann-


Ex 3:

Teacher: Stop talking you two!

Matt & Daniel: *Three second pause*...SCCCRRRAWWW!!!


A Scraw is a "Go-To" WHITE friend who is; talented, reliable, intelligent, and seems to always be at the right place at the right time.
Pronounced: SK-RAH

(while waiting in an obscienly large line..)

-You: "I forgot my wallet in my car."

-Typical 'Friend': "Well, go grab it. I'll hold our spot in line."

(Just then, a Scraw arrives unannounced and right on time, as usual.)

-Scraw: "Here, let me spot you some cash, you can just get me back later"


the ring around your crotch
don't touch my scraw


all things bad
After you threw up on my shoes I was most scraw.


1 The act of mating with your sister, mother, and getting rear ended by your father at the same time. 2 See pritching.
John: Holy shit I heard that pritchard scrawed last night.

Jane: What the fuck is wrong with him.




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