

俚语 scribner's


A family with beautiful children who only gain beauty with age
They're such a scribner family


A very pointless mundane conversation, usually about something very childish and stupid.
"Man, the other day I sat on the bus with Jon, and we had like a 20 minute scribner, it was brutal!"

"Jon's mind is so simple that he is only capable of having scribners."


noun-Someone who has aids or a tiny penis
or both.
Did you see that kid he was a total scribner?


(n) The name for a bum and/or family of bums who can be described with three or more of the following: joblessness, homelessness, drug abuse, illiteracy, stupidity, or out-of-marriage pregnancy.
Look at those Scribners over there, let's yell at them to get a JOB!

Jessica Lee Scribner

She’s a beautiful female, always looking more refreshed than she is and always trying new things. She is usually dedicated and hardworking except for those sleepy days which isn’t very often. She’s a dreamer but has the ability to pull others back down to Earth.
Dude: Did you hear about that Jessica Lee Scribner?
Other Guy: Yeah, I’m jealous of her Mr. Lucky.

Audrey Scribner

the most amazing, hot, sexy person who has ever walked this planet earth. She gets all the guys as they have to stop and look at her a second time every time she enters a room. the smartest person ever and the funniest person to exist on this earth. nobody can compare to audrey scribner she's the one and only. and literally such a nice friend.
"hey did you see audrey walk by?"
"yeah I had to look again I couldn't comprehend all the hotness from audrey scribner"




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更新时间:2024/9/21 0:50:26